Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

Dear Brethren All,  

That Festive Season is approaching fast and I trust that many of you getting well prepared for a joyous time with your families. Pat and I are due to visit each of our 3 daughters on separate days so at this stage we will not be anticipating cooking for three days, lets us hope that the weather is kind.

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Official Visit to Thistle and Shamrock Lodge No 1048 75th Anniversary Celebrations



The Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. George J. Deacon, accompanied by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V.W.Bro. Brian Ridler, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Tony Green and Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge attended the 75th Anniversary Celebrations of the Thistle and Shamrock Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 1048 on Thursday 18 November 2021 in Havant. Over 70 Brethren were at the meeting which included 30 members of the Provincial Team.

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Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

Dear Brethren All,  

Here I am again hoping that you are all as well as can be expected. The trees are still entertaining us with glorious autumn colours before the leaves fall to the ground. It does look untidy but is a necessary cycle of nature. Not too much activity in the garden at present just preparing for the spring.

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Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

Dear Brethren All,  

Here we are in to November already, where is the time going. We had two days of frost this week so the garden is now bedding down for the winter season. Pat did quickly lift the dahlias and bring the other plants indoors as a result of the cold. Hopefully I will not have to cut the grass again until the spring, although I am concerned as there is a lot of moss within the grass.

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Provicial Almoners Letter from Andover

Dear Brethren All,

Best Wishes to you all.

I feel that I need to communicate with you all so that we can keep in touch. This virus is there just waiting to pounce,  if given the opportunity. There are quite a few of our brethren who have contracted covid at meetings, even though it seems that all precautions were being taken. I am wondering if it is time to look at ourselves in order to be carrying out the thoughtful measures that might be required. It is imperative that we continue to sanitise and wash our hands as much as possible. I am not trying to be negative only expressing my thoughts as to this pandemic, which is by no means coming to an end.

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Visit by The Provincial Grand Master to Meridies Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 1798

MeridiesLodgeIMG 4632

The Provincial Grand Master R.W.Bro. George J. Deacon, the Deputy Grand Master V.W.Bro. Brian Ridler, P.G.J.O., the Assistant Provincial Grand Master W.Bro. Tony Green, P.G.J.D., accompanied by Officers of Provincial Grand Mark Lodge, attended the Installation Meeting of Meridies Lodge of Mark Master Masons No.1798 on Monday 11 October 2021.

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