Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

Dear Brethren All,

Good Day to you all, yes it‚Äôs me again, I have missed being in touch. I trust that you are all as well as can be expected. I start by offering my heartiest Congratulations to those Brethren who have been honoured with RAMGR, all well deserved. This, they will receive on 7th December and it would be good if some of us are able to be there and show our support.

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Mark Benevolent Fund – Donations to Hospices

The Mark Benevolent Fund recently made donations amounting to over £100,000 to hospices throughout England in recognition of the lifetime of service and dedication by HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Mark Lodges were asked to nominate a £1,000.00 donation to a hospice of their choice. Here’s the list of nominations made by Hampshire and Isle of Wight Mark Lodges.

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Mark Benevolent Fund Donation to Naomi House & Jacksplace Childrens Hospices.

As you are probably aware the Mark Benevolent Fund recently made donations amounting to around £100,000 to hospices throughout England in recognition of the lifetime of service and dedication by HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Mark Lodges were asked to nominate a £1,000.00 donation to a hospice of their choice.

Continue ReadingMark Benevolent Fund Donation to Naomi House & Jacksplace Childrens Hospices.