Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

In spite of having frosts early some mornings, life is still showing forth in the garden. Flowers are amazing us with their beautiful blooms, some of the bushes need pruning, Pat needs one bush cut back at the top so out with the long pruning shears. Tulips are now coming forth as the daffodils start to die off. We have a good show of blue grape hyacinths spreading out and these together with some of the other spring flowers we have plenty of colour.

Restrictions have been completely lifted now with regard to covid, BUT, if you still feel more comfortable in wearing a mask to meetings, then please do so. We are all going to approach this situation in our own way so please attend meetings if you feel comfortable. It seems nearly all Orders are experiencing similar problems. People are unable to attend at the last minute due to them, or one of their family, catching covid. Thankfully there is always someone willing and able to cover offices. It is great to see so much team work taking place in an enthusiastic way.

Some meetings are still operating with smaller numbers in attendance but hopefully numbers might rise again soon. I have been compiling a list of those brethren who have been called to higher service in readiness for the Annual Provincial Meting on the 16th April, checking information elsewhere against the In Memoriam Page, as I have mentioned before, there are not entries for all who have departed from this life. It would be appreciated if we were able to have a full list in acknowledgement of these brethren. It highlights a couple of matters, one is perhaps in trying to cover everything I am not being informed of all who pass away, if possible just let me know. I can then send some form of message to the family to show we are thinking of them and if possible we might be represented at the funeral. It is agreed that not all families wish their loss to be displayed widely but I feel that it would be nice, in my office, to show a full caring attitude.

Congratulations to all brethren who have received First Appointments or Promotions in Mark Grand Lodge this week. I know of a small few and look forward to seeing the full list soon. If possible I hope that as many of us as possible will be able to attend Mark Grand Lodge and see them Invested on their special day. It is a great honour to be so recognised. Likewise I am looking forward to the Annual Meeting in a fortnight’s time. Hopefully see many of you there, please just come and chat to me if you wish, so that we can catch up with one another.

Best Wishes.

Malcolm Lloyd, G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner