Provincial Grand Master

As the Provincial Grand Master of one of the largest Mark Provinces can I welcome you to our website. You have obviously taken the trouble to locate us and it is only right that you should know a little about the Degree of Mark Masonry. First of all, as in all degrees in Freemasonry, to be able to join other Orders you must first have been initiated into the Craft. Once you have completed the three degrees in Craft Masonry a whole new arena of Freemasonry is opened up to you and you will be invited to join other Orders or Degrees.

The Mark Degree is the third largest Order in Freemasonry and consists of a single ceremony of advancement. It is possible to attain the “chair” of a Lodge without having been installed in a “chair” of a Craft Lodge. The structure of the Mark Degree follows that of Craft Masonry in that it has its own Provincial and Grand Honours system. The Province holds an Annual Meeting in April at Portsmouth when Brethren are invested with Provincial honours and where we meet visiting Brethren from neighbouring Provinces. Charity plays a major part in the Degree and we have our own Provincial Benevolent Fund which as well as supporting masonic charities supports many non-masonic charities as well.

I hope that by your interest you may like to expand your masonic knowledge of Freemasonry and I invite you to consider joining the Mark Degree. I am sure you will enjoy the experience for it is known throughout Freemasonry as the “friendly” degree.

May I thank you for visiting our website and invite you to contemplate taking the “next regular step” in your masonic career.

R.W.Bro. George J. Deacon
Provincial Grand Master