Visit of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master to Wyndham Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No 37

W.Bro. Malcolm Lloyd, RAMGR, carried out a Ceremony of Elevation for Bro. John Cavanagh, who is a member of Wyndham Lodge of Mark Masters No 37. The Worshipful Commander presented the Signs, with W.Bro. Ian Vincent, ProvRAMGR, Scribe, presenting the Working Tools, and the 9 Steps being explained by the Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro. Tony Green, RAMGR. The Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W. Bro. Brian Ridler, RAMGR, congratulated Bro. John on being Elevated into this fine Lodge. He added that it was a privilege to attend this immensely enjoyable evening in his own Lodge.
At this meeting the Lodge had great pleasure in bestowing an Honorary Membership on its retiring Visiting Grand Officer, W.Bro. Chris Boorman, RAMGR. This was in recognition of his hard work and support as Visiting Grand Officer. He thanked the Brethren for the honour of joining a happy Lodge with a fine bunch of people.

At the Festive Board there was a very generous donation by the Lodge to the Deputy Provincial Grand Master for The Mark Benevolent Fund. The Deputy Provincial Grand Master thanked the Brethren and commented that it had been a fantastic evening and wished the Lodge success for the future. The Lodge also made a donation to Andover Young Carers.

It was another great turnout by the Provincial team.