Provincial Almoner’s letter from Andover

Last week end saw the sending out of Appointments and Promotions in the Craft, Royal Arch and KTP. I offer mine, and I am sure your, sincerest congratulations to all of those brethren who received preferment. Well done but it is not only for what you have done but what you can do in the future for the benefit of all.

Talking of Appointments and Promotions, can I please remind you of the Provincial Meeting to be held on 16th April at the Portsmouth Guildhall, at which we will witness changes at the top of our Order within the Province. Please support the Provincial Grand Master and his officers at this important event, if you are able. We do need to show our support to those brethren receiving such Appointments and Promotions from our own Lodges, I am well aware that this is Easter Saturday and family commitments must be honoured. If you can, please be there.
Pat tells me that it is her intention to make the first picking of the rhubarb tomorrow so things are moving forward. The raspberry canes are well in leaf now as well as many of the other shrubs and fruit bushes. The garden is losing some of its bareness as nature once again begins to please us as it comes out of its natural sleep. The birds are starting to build their nests so one has to be very careful in not cutting back the bushes and shrubs, It is fascinating to watch out of the window and see the various breeds of birds busying themselves, diving in and out with building material. Early mornings have been enhanced by different species of birds collecting the bugs and worms from the lawn.

I cannot finish without saying how our hearts have been touched by the war in Ukraine and the generosity of many in trying to make things a little more bearable for the refugees from that country. Having visited this area I have witnessed the generosity of people who seem to have not much but give plenty. We have seen many nations opening up their homes to strangers and other great acts of kindness. If you are in the position to make any form of contribution to this cause, through MMMH, please do so, they are publishing the means by which his can be done.

Best wishes
Malcolm Lloyd Malcolm Lloyd, Prov. Grand Almoner. GSD