Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

I have attended a few meetings recently and, like you, have been in the situation of some brethren having to call off at the last minute, either they have tested positive that day, or some other family problem. Sometimes this is the Master or Commander, but I have been pleasantly surprised how those in attendance have rallied around and taken on unexpected offices for the evening. It goes to show that masonry depends on team work and members are willing to step up to the plate. The friendliness and satisfaction achieved is heart warming. I do appreciate though that some brethren are still wishing to be cautious even though restrictions are being lifted and will return in their own good time. Please brethren, keep in touch with those that you have not seen for a while, the personal touch is still the best. 

Unfortunately we have had some brethren called to the Grand Lodge Above recently, among them are two brethren that I served with in the Police Force, W. Bro. Brian Davies and W. Bro. Derek Burnett. Derek I saw at the Annual Provincial RAM Assembly where he received his Provincial RAMGR and I did manage to speak with him. Also W. Bro David Park has passed away, who due to failing health had withdrawn from masonry some time ago, he was a stalwart member of Mark and Ram. All will be sadly missed, and we hold them and their families in our thoughts and prayers. I have posted entries on the In Memoriam Page of the Mark website but can I remind you that this facility is open to you all. I do not, unfortunately, know all of you and cannot give a decent commemoration in all cases. It is very easy to contribute comments so can I please ask for your cooperation in this matter. If you need guidance or advice on this please do not hesitate to contact me. We still have a number of brethren and their families suffering ill health both in body and mind, have them in your thoughts and try and contact them if and when possible.

On Monday evening there will be an Official Visit to Winchester Mark Lodge where the Provincial Team will be carrying out an Advancement Ceremony, I am quite looking forward to this.

Best wishes for now, look after yourselves and you loved ones, keep in touch.

Thinking of you all and I am here to help if you need me.

Malcolm Lloyd, G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner