Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

Although many more of you are attending meetings I feel that we still must proceed with caution. The infection rate is still rising and is quite high. I ask that we all try and stay safe and at the same time protect one another. Unfortunately there are some brethren and family members suffering severely from the effects of covid. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers. We all approach this in our own way, some are still concerned as to the future and mentally are under some strain. It is important to keep those lines of communication open, as I have said before, please pick up that phone and chat too those that you have not seen recently. If you would like to speak to me can I remind you that my phone number is on the top of this letter.

Tomorrow some will be attending the Ins and Outs Luncheon at Botley, a chance for those who have will be Appointed in April to meet up with their counterparts and learn what is in store for them and to put them at ease if necessary. To all attending, have a great time. I was heartened recently at a Mark meeting to learn that the Lodge have three candidates in the pipeline, so things are looking up. I am sure that other Mark Lodges, as well as RAM Lodges are in the same position. Keep up the good work.

Another pleasing thing is that you all seem to be very generous, not only in Mark Lodge but in other Orders as well, to contribute to the Ukraine appeal in order to help others very much less fortunate than ourselves. A big THANK YOU to all.

I started off a few minutes ago not knowing what I was going to include in my letter today. I have managed to get something on paper. As I said previously, if you wish to speak to me please feel free to do so. I do not have a magic wand but I can listen well, and I may know where to go to for any possible help. WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER.

Best wishes to you and your families, keep safe and look after one another.

Kindest regards.

Malcolm Lloyd, G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner