Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

The rain meant though, that the grass grew quickly, so out came the mower again to give the lawns a trim. Thankfully the produce in the garden benefited from the rain and is looking healthy. Potatoes are going well, along with shallots, sweetcorn, lettuces and carrots. The soft fruit bushes have an abundance of flowers so we are hoping for a bumper crop this year of black currants, red currents, gooseberries and blackberries. It will mean though pots of homemade jams and crumbles. No wonder my waist line is not diminishing, I get too well looked after.

Pat has been rather perturbed recently by the rooks that have come into the garden and taking the bird seed and fat balls that she puts out for the smaller species of birds. We have had as many as eight at any one time feeding. Speaking of the birds, we are seeing quite a number of starlings feeding on the lawn, especially in the mornings. 

I have attended two Mark Lodges this week which have been productive. One carried out an excellent double Advancement and the other brought in another Advancee. In one, I observed the proceedings whilst in the other meeting I was the Senior Warden, W. Bro. Mervyn Harkness being the Junior Wardenn, tis was in Wiltshire. It is good to see that we are beginning to get back towards some form of normality. I know that other Mark and RAM Lodges are bringing candidates, please keep up the good work.

Some of you have sent me messages or mentioned your interest in these ramblings of mine each week. This is much appreciated by me, I am only trying to keep in touch with you all as I feel it has been important over the last two years. My thoughts are though, that I am going over the same ground now, and perhaps, as I have said before, I cut back to every two weeks. Your thoughts would be appreciated, I just want to fulfil my office in as a friendly manner as I can.

Please keep up the lines of communication in order to encourage one another through these still difficult times. We still have brethren who are, understandably, cautious about attending meetings, others who wish to wear a face covering at meetings, we must all have respect for each other’s feelings and attitudes. Look after yourselves and you loved ones. If you need me you know where I am.

Best wishes and keep safe.

Malcolm Lloyd, G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner