Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

We are looking forward to seeing the family tomorrow at the Christening of our youngest great grandson, it will be a good day and once again a chance to get together. Family gatherings for all of us have been in short supply over the last two years, so we will be making the most of the event.

At this time next week, I, in common with many of you, will be getting ready to attend the Annual Mark Provincial Meeting at the Guildhall, Portsmouth. What an occasion it will be, V. W. Bro. Brian Ridler will be standing down as Deputy Provincial Grand Master after many years of dedicated service to the Province. Brian has carried out any office that he has filled with decorum, dignity and in a friendly manner, he is respected by all but I am sure that he will continue to support The Provincial Grand Master and the Province in any way that he can. On everyone’s behalf I express thanks and gratitude to V. W. Bro. Brian and wish him well.

W. Bro. Anthony Green is of course to be Installed as Deputy Provincial Grand Master in Brian’s place, Tony, we all wish you well in the knowledge that you are a dedicated mason and will carry out an excellent job in your usual efficient manner. W. Bro. Ian Small will then be Installed as Assistant Provincial Grand Master, again Ian, we all wish you well, knowing that you are a caring, friendly and another dedicated mason. It should be a great day, please be there if you can.

During the week I was contacted by the wife of one of our older brethren who needs some urgent assistance, from speaking to her I realised that there might have been a breakdown in communication between her husband and his Mark Lodge. I contacted the Almoner of the Lodge and within about an hour things had been put in place in an effort to see what could be done to help.

Communication is very important but is a two way matter, if you or your family need help, please, please, approach the Almoner, Secretary or another brother and seek some guidance or advice. As I have said before, I do not have a magic wand, neither can I help in every instance, BUT, I do have a listening ear and know where help might be available. Nothing is too small or big that it cannot be addressed, sharing problems sometimes helps by just speaking. Please keep those lines of communication open, pick up that phone now and again, we all need reassurance at times. Life is not easy for some at present.

Best Wishes.

Malcolm Lloyd, G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner