Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

On this coming Thursday I am due to attend Sindlesham Masonic Centre to see a former police colleague, W. Bro. Keith Bristow, be Installed as P.G.M. in the Mark Degree for the Province of Buckinghamshire. The ceremony is to be carried out by the Pro. Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother Raymond John Smith and I understand that our own W. Bro. Ian Vincent is to be one of the Official Party in his Active Grand Rank. I am looking forward to the occasion.

The garden is still flourishing but is in need of some rain, never satisfied are we. The potatoes are showing signs of flowers, the sweetcorn is coming on well and there is an abundance of colour with all of the lovely flowers in bloom. I must now go and cut the grass to try and make the lawns look nice although they are drying out at the moment.

Thanks to modern communications we have been able to keep in touch with our family over this difficult week. Two daughters have been on holiday in Cyprus and appear to have had a good time. Our youngest grand-daughter has taken her first driving lesson during the week, which I hope went well for her. As I have said previously these last couple of years have shown how much family ties matter and when we have not been able to meet social media has been a blessing.

Over the next few weeks please look after yourselves and your loved ones. Be very cautious when out and about that virus is just waiting to strike at any time. I do not know where I picked up my infection from but I am going back to wearing a face mask more often in order to protect myself and try to avoid giving anything to others. Keep those lines of communication open, we still hear of people feeling lonely and not seeing others, pick up the phone or make an effort and meet up with another brother in a safe environment.

Malcolm Lloyd, P.G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner