Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

I was attending Senior School in Bournemouth on the day her father died and she succeeded to the Throne. We were all assembled in the hall and the head master, Mr. Poole, said, ‚Äú The King is dead. You may all go home for the rest of the day and I will see you all in the morning.‚Äù This we did and of course the National Anthem the next day had been changed from ‚ÄúGod save our gracious King‚Ķ.‚Äù To, ‚Äú God save our gracious Queen..‚Äù and has been so for these 70 years. As I am sure most of us trust that her health continues to hold up. We are though aware that life is not so pleasant to her now.  We did watch the Trooping of the Colour, which as usual was impressive and meticulous in every detail.

During the afternoon we attended a street party that one of our daughters had organised. It was good to meet up with her neighbours and feel as though we were getting back to some normality. The weather was very kind and the day culminated in sharing a barbeque with a couple of her friends. I trust that many of you have been able to celebrate this milestone in our history or will do at some time over the weekend, either with family, friends or neighbours. Unfortunately our eldest daughter is unable to join in any festivities as her husband is suffering from covid. It reminds us that we are not clear yet by any means and we still need to be cautious. They are hoping to go to Cyprus this coming Friday.

We had a few splendid minutes on Friday morning watching the birds in the garden, some starlings were sunning themselves on the back lawn, one to the extent that it spread it’s wings out fully and just laid there soaking up the sunshine, I had never witnessed this before. At the same time there were a pair of blackbirds feeding their young from the seeds and fat balls that Pat leaves out for them. The variety of birds at this time was amazing.

On Tuesday, 7th June, some of us will be attending Mark Grand Lodge, to support our Provincial Grand Master and those Brethren who will be honoured with First Appointments, some Active Ranks, or Active Promotions. On looking at the dining plan this Province will be well represented. I am sure that the P.G.M. is very pleased with this type of support. During this meeting we will witness the Investiture of a new Assistant Grand Master in the person of, Rt. W. Bro. Frank Spencer, who is well respected, and we all wish him well in his promotion.

Please continue to look after yourselves and your loved ones and keep those lines of communication open.

Malcolm Lloyd, G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner