Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

Dear Brethren All, 

Once again we have another sunny morning, so get those sleeves rolled up, if you can, and get out in the garden to enjoy the good weather. The seeds that Pat had sown last week are now showing through so we have French beans and sun flowers beginning to raise their heads above the compost. I had to carefully cut the grass in the week because there are some lovely white hyacinths showing their beautiful white flowers very close to the edge of the lawn in one place.

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Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

Dear Brethren All,  

What a lovely sunny day we have in front of us, I hope that you are able to make the most of it. I will be in the garden dismantling that part of the fence which was not damaged, ready for the new fencing to be erected, hopefully this coming week. Pat has planted a few seeds, sunflowers and French beans. We are also in the process of tidying up the garden ready to start planting. It is not advisable to start too early in this part of the Province, as we still have experienced some frosts recently, cannot be too hasty.

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Provincial Almoner’s letter from Andover

Dear Brethren All,

Well another week has flown by in my opinion, where are the days going!!! Today I have attended a Seminar on Mental Health, which was approved by the Rt. W. Bro Jon Whitaker, PGM and set up by the Craft Provincial Grand Almoner, W. Bro. Neil Morse, ably assisted by W. Bro. Malcolm Collier, at Eastleigh Football Ground. It was well attended both by fellow brethren and their wives or partners. We were treated to some professional presentations and some lively discussion. This was the Province’s first attempt at such a venture and I hope that others will follow. I congratulate Neil and Malcolm on their venture, well done.

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Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

Dear Brethren All,  

I do apologise that I am writing this on a Sunday instead of Saturday but yesterday was somewhat busy with the Annual Meeting of another Order where I was asked to assist. The meeting was held at Botley and what a pleasant surprise it was to be able to travel on the M27 at 60 M.P.H. and no traffic cones in sight. Let us hope that this might encourage a few more brethren to attend meetings.

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Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

Dear Brethren All,  

What a difference we have this weekend in the weather. I have woken up to a frosty lawn, which was fertilised yesterday, ready for the forthcoming seasons. We have now started on preparing the ground in preparation for the spring when seeds and plants will be planted. The seed potatoes are sitting there awaiting their placement in trays for chitting. The fence is about to be shored up to look a bit more presentable then we will work on that in a few weeks. The birds will be starting to make their nests and Pat feeds them well during these harsher times.

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Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

Dear Brethren All,  

What a stormy day it was on Friday. Much damage has been caused around the Province I am sure, including one of my side fences in the back garden. Completely demolished, 9 panels and fence posts to be replaced. We are safe because we did not venture out. I trust that none of you came to any harm and that your houses are safe.

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