Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

Dear Brethren All, 

I start off today with the sad news that W. Bro. Larry Harding was called to the Grand Lodge above yesterday afternoon. Larry was a well-respected member of many Orders throughout the Province and had held important and influential offices in many. From personal experience I was grateful for his guidance and advice at times.

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A Christmas message from R.W.Bro. George J. Deacon, Provincial Grand Master


Charles Dickens wrote “It was the best of Times, it was the Worst of Times”. How appropriate are those words for this year? This time last year, no one could have predicted the months ahead: this has been a turbulent and surprising Year. There has been tragedy for those who have lost loved ones. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have suffered the loss of loved ones and unable to pay their proper respects at the appropriate time. There have also been extraordinary acts of kindness and charity to those in need; as a Nation we have pulled together to help one another come through this awful Pandemic.

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Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

Dear Brethren All, 

What a mixture of restrictions the Province is now in, but we will be resilient and come through this. We are fast approaching Christmas and it will be different for most of us this year. There may not be the usual family gatherings but we can keep in touch in other ways. The main thing is to stay safe and look after yourselves. In spite of this have a good time, at the same time think of those who may be alone at this time. Pick up the phone and call someone to show they are not forgotten.

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Grand Master’s Special Award

Dear Brethren,

The Provincial Grand Master is delighted to announce that following last nights Zoom meeting of the Grand Master‚Äôs Special Awards our very own W. Bro. Patrick Burridge, Prov.G.S.W, received appointment to Mark Grand Rank as P.G.St.B. in recognition of his outstanding community service during Covid-19. This is one of only 18 appointments across the whole order.

I am sure you will all wish to congratulate Pat on this very special appointment.

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Mark Benevolent Fund 2020 Festival

Dear Brethren,

You will be aware that the 2020 Mark Benevolent Fund Festival was due to be held by the Mark Province of Kent on Saturday 13th June but had to be cancelled due to the Covid Pandemic. Some of you were Festival Stewards and many others purchased the Kent Festival badge. The result of all the Fund raising for the Festival has just been announced and the final total was a phenomenal ¬£2,080,000. This is by far the highest amount any Province has raised for a Festival. The actual Festival event will now take place 4th September 2021 and a number of us will be attending.

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Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

Dear Brethren All,   

I thought that we had seen, maybe, the last of inspirational people but no, this week we saw the news that Kevin Shinfield had run seven marathons in seven days to support MND and his good friend in Rugby League, Rob Burrow, who has been struck down with this disease. What an achievement and dedication for someone special.

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Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

Dear Brethren All, 

Well, there is good news this week that a vaccine has been approved and will be taken into use very soon. However we must be patient and cautious still, the logistics of getting enough vaccine delivered and then giving it to us must be a nightmare. It will be a few weeks or maybe months before most of us are vaccinated. This is good news though and we are all, I am sure, very grateful for the scientists of many fields who are making this possible.

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