Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

As this virus gets its‚Äô grip on us even tighter we must remain vigilant and cautious. It is, I know a long haul, but we must persevere in order to gain the benefits of isolation that we have all had to endure. We are now, again, in a severe ‚Äúlockdown‚Äù and it is imperative that we keep in touch with one another as we are not meeting and cannot therefore see how others are looking or feeling. I encourage you to pick up that phone and contact another brother for a chat. 

Pat and I were fortunate enough to be invited to have our vaccination jab on Thursday; we did take it up. The system was very efficient, professional and friendly. From speaking to one of the receptionists many of those helping had given up their day off to assist in this matter. Our health service workers must feel shattered at present but in the main they are still very helpful and friendly, with a nice smile on their faces. 

Next Saturday will see the Virtual Business Meeting of The Annual Provincial RAM Assembly, where a number of our brethren will receive their Provincial RAMGR, congratulations to all of those so honoured. Perhaps many of you will join us on Facebook to witness this event, I really hope so. Another date for your diary is 25th January, 2021, when the Provincial Wardens will be ‚Äúhosting‚Äù a Burns Night event on their regular Monday evening 9 o‚Äôclock Facebook get together, again, if possible join in with a glass of cheer. I am sure this will be a worthy event. 

On walking around the garden this week I notice that the curly kale is almost finished, about one more meal left, but the purple sprouting seems to be making an appearance. Some of the bushes and trees are beginning to bud so new life is forming, let us look forward to a colourful spring. I may have to get the lawn mower out, as like me, the lawn could do with a trim, even if it is just to get rid of the leaves that are laying there. 

During this difficult and challenging time I have continued to complete puzzle books, be it Sudoku, codebreakers, crosswords etc, I was pondering this morning between us how many tons of such books might we have completed between us over the last 10 months, just a thought. Look after yourselves and stay safe. Thinking of you all. 

Best wishes,

Malcolm Lloyd, G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner