Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

This virus seems to have become stronger and is spreading amongst us very easily, please take care and look after yourselves and your loved ones. The restrictions and “lockdown” continue and many are feeling the strain and are getting fed up. I understand this but can I ask and encourage us all to try and keep a very positive attitude and to encourage one another through these difficult times. Our thoughts are with those who are suffering and you and your families are in our thoughts.

My positive thoughts are on the following lines, many of our Brethren have received the welcoming vaccine and the door is being opened for even more to benefit from this procedure. Spring is just around the corner, the shrubs, trees bushes and plants are or will soon be blossoming ready for a colourful display. The daylight hours will be increasing to enable us to get out in the garden more. I managed to dig over a small patch of garden during the week. The daffodils, snowdrops and other bulbs are making their presence felt, what a good feeling.

Life got a little fraught during the week, an Openreach engineer fitted a new distribution box to the pole opposite our home on Tuesday and after he had left we found that we were without a landline or internet. Luckily our youngest daughter was able to contact BT on our behalf but received information that the fault could not be fixed before Friday. One does not realise how much one relies on or uses something until it is not there. Thankfully though an engineer arrived Thursday morning and plugged us in again, what a relief.

Pat and I enjoyed a couple of games of Yahtzee with our youngest daughter and her daughter yesterday, for those of you familiar with this game, our grand-daughter managed to throw three Yahtzee’s in one game. We could not keep up with her. 

Look after yourselves, keep safe and well.

Best wishes; have a good week.   

Malcolm Lloyd, G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner