Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

On behalf of the Provincial Grand Master, myself, and all of the Mark Provincial Executive, “We Wish you a Very Happy Christmas and a Healthy and Safer New Year”. 

Some of you would have received the vaccination by now, others may have received notification of an appointment ready for such, and the rest of us await the calling. I trust that this might give us all some confidence in readiness to be able to meet together again. It will be many months before we can step through the door of that Masonic Lodge, please remain diligent and cautious, we have come this far, the last mile is always the worst they tell me. 

Our heartiest Congratulations to W. Bro. Patrick Burridge, Prov.G.S.W., who has received a ‚Äúspecial award‚Äù in Mark Grand Rank to, P.G.St.B., which takes immediate effect. Well done Patrick it is well deserved and we hope that you are still recovering well from your operation. 

I will have a rest from sending a message next week and I look forward to seeing you all again in the New Year. In the meantime God bless us all over this Festive season. 

Malcolm Lloyd, G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner.