Appointments in Craft and Royal Arch

‚ÄúAs the integral elements of Pure Antient Freemasonry, the Craft and Royal Arch have enjoyed a close relationship for over 200 years, and the Province of Hampshire & Isle of Wight has seen many senior members hold high office in both Orders. This year will see that relationship continued and enhanced by the appointment of one of the current Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, W Bro. Jonathan Stainton-Ellis, to the position of Second Provincial Grand Principal in the Royal Arch with the intention that he should, in due time, succeed E Comp. Colin Upton as Deputy Grand Superintendent. 

Jonathan was previously the longest serving Third Provincial Grand Principal in the Province, and this experience, together with his experience and knowledge as Assistant Provincial Grand Master, will be invaluable in enhancing the close working relationship between the Craft and Royal Arch that we know will be a key feature in this Province in the years to come. 

Jonathan will be installed by E Comp. Steve Allum following his own installation as Grand Superintendent, on a date yet to be announced, and Jonathan will remain as Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the South Central Area until the Provincial Craft AGM in July. 

As a consequence of Jonathan‚Äôs move, the vacancy for Assistant Provincial Grand Master, South Central Area, will be filled by W Bro. Ian Preece, PJGD. Ian will be known to many of you, having served with distinction as the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies for ten years. Ian brings great experience and enthusiasm. He will be installed by V W Bro. Jon Whitaker following his own Installation as Provincial Grand Master, on a date yet to be announced‚Äù. 

The Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons in the Province of Hampshire and Isle of Wight wish both Jonathan (a member of Phoenix Lodge of Mark Masters No. 2) and Ian (a member of Brocas Hyrst Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 1733), every success in their new responsibilities.