Message from the Provincial Almoner

We have had some rain and the lawns are beginning to get towards being green again but the seed I have sown is still not germinating, such is life. Yesterday, in the evening there were in the region of some 30 starlings pecking around on the back lawn, I am presuming there are many small insects there for their delight. Looking out just now, they are back again, it might be them taking my grass seed!!!

One of my daughters, a school teacher, through social media, has asked her students what they have enjoyed most during the lockdown. She was quite pleasantly surprised when many of them stated that they liked seeing nature and its benefits. 

With the lessening of restrictions we might be able to make a little more contact, not physically, with our families and friends, but as I have said before I am sure we will proceed with caution. My great grand-children are looking forward to being able to visit their grandmother, it will be good for all of them. My great grandson, aged 5, has said to his grandmother, “I don’t have the virus and you don’t have the virus so why can’t I cuddle you.” The simplicity of life.

Please keep up the important communication required at this time, we must continue to make one another feel that we care and are interested in each other’s welfare and wellbeing. We are still hearing of brethren and their loved ones suffering ill health, not all Covid19 related, if you hear of anyone in such circumstances please let me know. I do not have a magic wand but I can contact them and let them know we are thinking of them.

Please look after yourselves, I am just about to join a zoom meeting for another Order. It appears that during a recent zoom conference I had a slip of the tongue and called it a zoo meeting. My embarrassment, or am I getting too old.

Have been on a walk with my eldest daughter and her husband, it being their wedding anniversary today. It was nice to catch up and enjoy their company for a time.

Look after yourselves and keep safe.

Keep safe and well.

Malcolm Lloyd, Provincial Almoner.