Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

Being British I must mention the weather, what a mixed bag it has been this week. Last Sunday, here in the North West corner of the Province we experienced snow for quite a while, thankfully it did not last and lay. At times it has been foggy and plenty of rain. Although on Friday afternoon Pat and I went for a walk just after a heavy shower of rain, the sun came out and it was nice and warm on the back. The next few days are predicted to be cold and wet, then again, I am not going far.

In the garden some daffodils are opening up in blossom and other bulbs have forced their way through the soil and are looking healthy. Spring must be just around the corner, and buds are about to open out on some of the trees and bushes. The soil is saturated so not much chance of digging it over at present although I notice Pat has been looking at some bulbs to plant and she is beginning to think of what will be planted out soon.

Virtual Business meetings are taking place and I trust that as many of you as can are joining in with this facility, I appreciate that it does not rest easy with everyone or others may not have the equipment to do so, but it is a system by which we can keep in touch and see one another. It is vital that we communicate with our brethren as much as possible to encourage and support each other. As it is not possible to arrange Official Visits by the Provincial Team, through W. Bro. Simon Lancaster, arrangements are in place for a small contingent of Provincial Officers to “attend” Virtual Business meetings being held by Lodges. I hope that you will, when and whenever possible, support these events. It will be good to catch up and see our friends.

On another positive note, there must be quite a number of you that have received your first vaccination, this seems to be going ahead well. After we had received our vaccination we felt more confident, not completely immune from the virus but at least with some protection. Looking forward to the booster in some eight weeks time. Look after yourselves and keep safe. Please keep in touch with one another, spread a bit of happiness to all.

Best wishes,

Malcolm Lloyd, G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner