Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

In the garden things are a little unusual we have primulas and some other Spring flowers showing themselves already. We do have a Viburnum X bodnantense shrub which sheds it‚Äôs leaves in Autumn but is covered in white and pink flowers throughout the winter, it brings a nice show of colour to the garden. I note that there are quite a number of the shrubs and trees are also beginning to bud, let us hope that the weather does not become too severe and kill them off. The lawn will soon need cutting but I will delay that as much as possible. I need now to get some fertiliser put into the soils for an extra benefit for the vegetables. 

It is with much regret that I note the passing to the Grand Lodge above of W. Bro. Chris Boorman, the previous Provincial Grand Almoner and a great friend to us all. He will be missed in many Orders. I have attended the funeral of W. Bro. Harry Norwood. We were able to enjoy the Pipe Band which played at this event, a touching moment. On the brighter side I did visit W. Bro. Stan Rickeard and his wife Gwen, two days before their 70th wedding anniversary and deliver a bouquet and a bottle of scotch. They thanked everyone for the gifts. Stan requested that I send his best wishes to you all.

Over this festive season, I, like many of you I suspect, have reflected on those who have been called to higher service throughout the year, having their family in our minds and prayers. This period is very difficult for many, especially those left on their own, so please if you can, pick up that phone and make contact where possible. Although the Government at present are not bringing in more restrictions we still need to be very cautious.

Best wishes to you all, I will be in touch again soon

Malcolm Lloyd, G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner