Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

I have received information that V.W. Bro. Tom Sawyer has been admitted into QA Hospital, Portsmouth and is under observation. There are a number of other brethren who are suffering ill heath at present. I wish them all well and hope that they are or will be on the road to recovery soon. If you know of brethren suffering please keep them in your thoughts and prayers and call them or contact them if possible. As I have said before, from experience I find the in the main brethren are private and do not always wish to share their personal circumstances. 

On a brighter note, Pat and I went for a walk yesterday, the ground in places was sticky and slippery, where so many people have been walking.. We did notice that there appears to be an abundance of catkins on the trees already so is spring just around the corner? It was sunny but chilly, in all a pleasant afternoon. It was nice just to get out for a while. 

I have been suffering some discomfort in my eyes so I phoned the optician for an appointment, as my regular check-up was due. Luckily there had been a cancellation so I was seen within an hour. The result of the examination was that I am suffering from ‚Äúdry eyes,‚Äù which does occur in older people, but it transpires that I do not blink fully thus causing the bottom part of my eyes from not getting the natural lubrication bought about by blinking. Blinking is something we do naturally and do not give it much thought but I now realise it is an important function which is in itself very beneficial. Things are looking up. 

On the sporting front there is good news that the England cricket team are well placed against Sri Lanka, keep up the good work. There seems to be some doubt over the Six Nations Rugby due to travel restrictions, let us hope that this gets sorted out. 

Must away now to prepare myself for the Annual Provincial RAM Assembly, hopefully many of you will be present. Please look after yourselves and loved ones, keep safe and well. 

Malcolm Lloyd, G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner