Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

This will be a letter of reflection, it is 12 months since we experienced the first lockdown, and what a year it has been. Captain Sir Tom Moore, with his dedication to raising money for the NHS, inspired so many others to push their endurance to the limits. It has been heartening to see so many young people being caught up in these endeavours and they are still doing something, well done to all of them.

In no particular order there are many who have worked tirelessly for the general benefit of others, The Consultants, doctors, nurses and all members of hospital staff who have dedicated their lives to looking after those stuck down by the virus and at the same time trying to see that hospitals still are managing to cope with emergencies. The scientists, researchers, laboratory assistants and those who became human guinea pigs, in order to produce vaccines, which were tested and approved in record times. We have much to be grateful for in this area. I must not forget those who see that our food stores and essential services continue, in an orderly and safe manner. There are so many to thank.

Our means of communication have altered beyond comprehension. A year ago zoom meant, “to make a continuous low pitched buzzing or humming sound.” Now it means that we can join together in meetings and has been a lifeline to some. Perhaps we may use this as a means of communication for some time yet. Facebook has been used to good advantage, especially by our forward thinking Provincial Grand Wardens, entertaining and educating us on Monday evenings. Other means of social media have been used to great benefits.

There has also been sadness over this time. I report the passing of Bro. John Thomas Watson, P.Prov.A.G.StB, of Albany Mark Lodge TI. Families have had to suffer from having loved ones in hospital or homes and not being able to visit them in order to comfort them and show their love and affection. Funerals have taken place, not only of our brethren but wives, partners, and children, with restricted numbers and we, as a caring organisation, have not been there to pay our last respects and support to the families. Hopefully there will be some form of service so that we might be able to remember them.

On a brighter note I finish by congratulating all those Brethren, who this week have received an Appointment, Promotion or re-Appointment in Mark Grand Lodge. Well done. 

Best wishes to you all, and a look forward to returning to some normality.

Malcolm Lloyd, G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner