A Message from the Provincial Almoner

In discussion with our Provincial Grand Master, Rt. W. Bro. George Deacon, it has been suggested that we might adopt the procedure, similar to Visiting Deacons in The order of Secret Monitor, of dividing our Lodge membership into groups of 8 or 10 with one Brother taking the responsibility of contacting them quite regularly. Some of you might have already instigated such an approach, for this we are very grateful.

Contact can be by either telephone or e-mail. If this method is adopted then we know that all members will be catered for. We are not meeting regularly so it is felt that some regular means of communication would be beneficial. It is not intended to impose this on you but to ask you to seriously consider such arrangements, I am sure this could be done through the Lodge Secretary and Almoner in conjunction with the Worshipful Master or Worshipful Commander. Please include phone numbers for those not on e-mail.

I have been closely monitoring the official comments on self-isolation and find some points encouraging. It does not mean that we have to stay indoors all of the time, there is nothing wrong In going for a walk to get exercise and fresh air. At the same time be conscious of “Social Distancing” by keep a safe distance from one another. This is very difficult for many of us as we like to hug, touch and comfort one another. (Just a little thought that has come to me, after all of this is over will there be a baby boom due to many relaxing from the threat!!!!!!)

It is acknowledged that there are circumstances where it is a necessity to go out, bank transactions essential medical appointments, which are closely monitored I have found out in trying to see a doctor this week. I had a consultation by phone in the end. So people are being adaptable.

Please look after one another, be mindful of those living alone or are carers for loved ones. Maybe you might be able to do some shopping or collect prescriptions. Above all please treat all of this with common sense.

Yours sincerely and fraternally,

Malcolm Lloyd

Malcolm Lloyd, Provincial Almoner and I hope a friend.