Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

Pat was preparing for a Zoom meeting in the week when she brought my attention to the following, which we thought was good. An essay written by a boy of eight, “Grandmothers,

A Grandmother is a woman who has no children of her own, so she loves the boys and girls of other people. Grand mothers have nothing to do, they only have to be there. If they take you for a walk, they go slowly past beautiful leaves and caterpillars. They never say, “Come along quickly,” or “ Hurry up, for goodness sake.” They are usually fat, but not too fat to do up your shoelaces. They wear spectacles and sometimes they take out their teeth. They can answer any question, for instance why dogs hate cats and why God is not married. When they read to us, they do not leave anything out. They do not mind if it is the same story. Everyone should have a Grandmother, especially those who have no television. Grandmothers are the only grownups who have time.” Out of the mouths of children, perceptions of others.

I spoke with W. Bro. Derek Radford this week, he sends his regards to all who know him. His is quite content in the nursing home but some days are better than others. He tells me his body from the waist upwards is not too bad but everything below there is a problem. He is upbeat and his usual cheery self. He even mentioned that if possible and when things are right he would like to try and visit a Masonic meeting, like many others, he is missing that side of life.

It is with sadness and deep regret that I report the passing to the Grand Lodge Above of W. Bro. Stanley Alfred Brooker, PProvGSuptWks, on Thursday, a former member of Wyhdham Mark Lodge, having resigned due to ill health. Stan has suffered recently and had been in hospital. He has served Masonry well, he will be missed.

The roadmap seems to be effective and many are talking about getting back to meetings, perhaps after 21st June. We still have to be cautious and diligent, taking heed of Government guidance, directions from MMH and the availability of masonic halls. I hope that all goes well but am aware that some brethren will want to take their own time and make decisions as to when and how they approach the future. 

My congratulations go to our P.G.M. and those brethren involved in the organisation of the very beneficial Provincial Virtual Business Meeting last Saturday, I hope that you were inspired. Best wishes to those brethren who were appointed to the administration team of the Province, to our new Provincial Grand Junior Warden and all others who received preferment at that time. Perhaps we can look forward to contemplating a return to official visits some time later this year.

Keep your guard up, continue to keep in touch with one another as much as possible. As it has been said before, “We are all in this together and need to support one another as much as possible.”

Best wishes to you all, enjoy meeting up with family and friends, some of whom you have not seen for a few months. Remember though, those less fortunate than ourselves.

Malcolm Lloyd, G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner