Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

Dear Brethren All, 

You may be thinking that I had forgotten you as there was no letter last Saturday, a simple reason, I was on a cruise towards Stockholm. We are now back having had an enjoyable time with calm seas all the way and in the main good weather. I am suffering from a heavy cold, I thought that it might be covid but a self test proved negative. Spent most of yesterday falling sound asleep in the chair.

Here I am on a sunny Saturday morning feeling a little better but not attempting to venture far at the moment. The garden looks good as one of our son- in- laws cut the lawns for us in the week, which saved me the job on arrival at home. The broad and runner beans are looking very good with carrots showing through. There is plenty of colour in the garden, which is looking very cheerful. Pat has said though that there are plenty of weeds which need removing. Talking of flowers, during our journey we visited Copenhagen and paid a visit to Tivoli Gardens there, no, we did not venture on the rides, leaving that to the younger generations, but we did marvel at the wonderful flower displays arranged there. Some of the tulips looked more like paeony in structure, they were magnificent. Maybe we can source some later.  Some of the other flower beds consisted of bush roses and bluebells. We could have spent all day looking around but only had 90 minutes of wonder.

We should be coming in to the quieter masonic season but looking at my diary it is not that quiet. Hope that you are keeping as well as can be expected and safe. Perhaps in September some of you may be feeling more confident and will be able to meet up with us again. These last three years have been a challenging time for us all and life and attitudes have changed and made us think more deeply of what is meaningful to each individual. We are all different and in the main, keep our thoughts to ourselves. One thing remains, we are all Brothers together and need to support one another as much as we are able to. Keep those lines of communications open. Please, try and keep in touch with those brethren that we have not seen for a while, (sounds like the same record) but we do need to be in touch as much as we can. Each of us is affected in different ways and perhaps we have members who feel cut off or isolated, please pick up the phone and speak to another brother. WE are all in this together.

Best wishes

Malcolm Lloyd, P.G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner