Message from the Provincial Almoner

I know that some of you did something similar and gained great benefit from this. There were homemade cakes in evidence, good to see, my daughter tells me that a quantity of the ingredients for cakes and bread are in short supply due to the demand for these products. We have to continue with the ‚Äúlockdown‚Äù to ensure that we can safe as much as possible. Look after yourselves and one another. Even though there seems to be some relaxing of the conditions I will be proceeding with caution.

Talking of Facebook, it has taken me some time to make use of this facility. I was reluctant in getting involved as there are stories of becoming too exposed to others and their comments. I had been advised by masonic brethren that it is a worthwhile tool. Now I have registered, which was easy, I can see the benefits. Many of you know that we do have a Provincial site where we can exchange views, submit pictures and take part in the 9 0‚Äôclock toast. Why do I include this here you might ask, a good question. There could be those of you who do not have access to a computer and have no desire to but those who are on line can I ask that you consider joining up to Facebook and share in the benefits that I feel are available. It is monitored as to the content, there are no political comments or moans about others or what the world has to offer at present.  I appreciate that this is not for everyone but can you please give it some consideration, we are one big family and we would like it to bear more fruit.

A continued BIG THANK YOU to all of you who have contacted me by phone, e-mail and Facebook. It proves that our lines of communication are flowing well. Please keep this up. It was good to see the message from the Grand Master, thank you Sir.

I am still receiving messages of members being called to the Grand Lodge above, but, thankfully, not so many. One good piece of news is that on Monday one of our members is being admitted to hospital to undergo treatment, which indicates that the hospitals are trying, slowly, to get back to some normality.

Please look after yourselves and keep safe. It is hard not venturing out for some of us but please try and stay positive. I am available if you want a chat or advice. If I do not know the answer to questions I should be able to find out.

God Bless you all and kindest regards,

Malcolm Lloyd, Prov. Almoner