Message from the Provincial Almoner

My Dear Friends and colleagues,

I start this week on sad news, our PGM, Rt. W. Bro. George Deacon attended the funeral of W. Br. Myron Peacock on Tuesday. He tells me that there were the invited 10 people in attendance and W. Bro. Mark Denton gave a very commendable Eulogy. It is with sadness that I pay respects to W. Bro. Andrew Wareham who passed to the Grand Lodge above a few days ago. Our thoughts go out to his wife and family and to Andrew‚Äôs father, Rt. W. Bro. Brian Wareham and his wife. Many of us knew Andrew through AMD, who was for a while, the Dep. G. Pref. of Southern Counties.

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Message from the Provincial Almoner

My Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It was so heart-warming to see so many of you celebrating the VE Day celebrations. Although we could not join with our families and friends it was good to see an abundance of pictures on Facebook and the accompanying comments. Pat and I were able to spend about an hour with our children, grand-children and great grand-children on Zoom. We all had high tea together, it was very enjoyable.

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Message from the Provincial Almoner

My Dear friends,

Tomorrow, 8th May, is, as you are aware, V.E. Day, which to quite a few of us will bring back memories. I recall my mother, on that day, coming out of the house and shouting, “It is all over.” I replied, “what is over, Mum?” She said, “The war.” I had never seen her so happy and she picked me up and swung me around. The whole country was still in turmoil, with bombed dwellings, shops and businesses. Thankfully we were not confined to our own homes and could mingle together, as it had been for the last five years.

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I am using this template to create a sports news website, and I am using another third party extension to import articles from RSS feeds into my Joomla installation. However, if I want to import full text articles, I can't import into K2, I can only import to Joomla content. K2 items look nice, but default Joomla articles don't. I would like to know how I can make these articles look good as well. Here's a screenshot of how they look like now.

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Message from the Provincial Almoner

My Dear friends,

Well we are told that the “lockdown” is to continue for some time yet, better to be safe than sorry I feel. The 23rd April, St. George’s Day, came and went and as usual I did not see any mention at all of our Patron Saint on any news broadcast. To those of us, who were or still are, involved in Scouting this is a special day. There will be no church services for them this Sunday, or whatever manner they wish to celebrate this day.

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Message from the Provincial Almoner

My Dear friends,

Here I sit thinking I should be in Portsmouth Guildhall at this time enjoying, your company at the Annual Mark Provincial meeting along with many of you. That is not to be though. Congratulations to all the Brethren who have “picked up” their Provincial Appointments today. Enjoy your year in office, as and when we become active again.

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Provincial Grand Master’s Address

Dear Brethren,

As you know all Masonic Meetings and Public gatherings have been cancelled for the time being for the benefit of our health whilst the Government endeavour to slow up the effects of this dreadful covid 19 , and I feel sure you will join me in thanking all the “Front line“ workers for risking their lives for the sake of others and we shall ensure that they will not be forgotten.

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