Message from the Provincial Almoner

To all Lodge Almoners, thank you for your sterling work and I appreciate those of you who keep me well informed as to how you are coping. I have noted the some Lodges organise weekly letters, quizzes or other forms of contact. As time goes on it will become harder, I feel, to keep up the motivation in some cases, please keep up the good work of open communication amongst the Brethren. Continue to advise me of any difficulties being faced by our members. It is not easy for some who may need help but are hesitant in coming forward. There are many ways to tackle challenges and we are here to support, give guidance and advice or just listen. All matters are dealt with in the most strictness of confidence.

I have now added another tool to my use, I have signed up to e-cards from Jacquie Lawson It is difficult to obtain cards from the shops at present. I will now be able to send an e-card where appropriate. This does mean though that I will be asking for contact details of members from Lodge secretaries or almoners as and when required.

Many of us enjoy watching the wild birds in our gardens and a couple of incidents in the week that I would like to share. Pat and I were fascinated to watch an adult blackbird fly up from the ground and ‚Äúattack‚Äù the fatballs in the container, knocking off pieces to the floor and then flying down to pick them up and feed her fledgling who was on the ground. This went on for quite a few minutes. Later the same day, during late afternoon come evening time we looked out on the back lawn to see an abundance of starlings feeding on insects or ants from the grass. I know that I made mention the other day of the birds eating my grass seed BUT we do get great pleasure from watching the birds. 

I have been in correspondence with the Provincial Chaplain, W. Bro. Aidan Nally, discussing what we might be able to arrange in way of some form of remembrance to those who have been called to the Grand Lodge above during the past twelve months and up to the appropriate This is all not only those taken with Covid 19, as we would have normally remembered them at the Annual Meeting in April. This is a subject that we feel needs to be addressed with empathy and understanding. I will keep you informed as we continue our discussions. Consideration is also being given to suggesting some form of prayer that might be offered for departed merit at the first Lodge meeting after the lockdown. This matter in very early stages and I will keep you updated. Try and enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend as much as you can. I will be thinking of you.

God Bless you all

Kindest regards,

Malcolm Lloyd, Prov. Almoner.