Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

I start this week with some more notices from churches. ‚ÄúMiss Charlene Mason sang ‚Äú I will not pass this way again,‚Äù giving obvious pleasure to the congregation.‚Äù ‚ÄúThe Rector will preach his farewell message, after which the choir will sing, ‚ÄúBreak into joy.‚Äù ‚ÄúIrving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days.‚Äù Last one this week, ‚ÄúPotluck supper Sunday at 5 p.m. and medication to follow.‚Äù 

We managed to get out in the garden for a while this week and pruned and cut back some of the trees and bushes. Much of the vegetation is coming into bloom, with crocuses, primroses and of course snowdrops flowering, spring is beginning to manifest itself so new life is breaking forth. The ground though is so wet that it is impossible to start the digging although Pat did plant out some shallots this week. 

This week has seen the children on half term and I think that they, and most of the school teachers, are pleased to get away from the computer for a while. All credit to those who have conscientiously tried to keep up with their school work. From speaking to my daughter, who is a school teacher and others from that profession it is not easy for all parents to give all the time necessary to assist the children as they may be working from home or have other domestic matters to attend to. All we can do, not only Pat and I but many of you, is to try and encourage and support our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren in their efforts. I wish them all well. 

“Official Visits” by the Provincial officers are being made to Lodges’ Virtual Business Meetings so that support be given to those Lodges who are missing out on actual Visits. I hope that these go well and will encourage members to take part and attend these meetings. As I have said before it is so important for us all to keep up the communication between members. A telephone call is just an arm’s length away and means so much to those to whom you may speak. Thinking of making an official visit I will have to try on my white shirt and jacket to ensure they still fit, have not been so strict on eating over the last 11 months, must instil more discipline now.

Best wishes to you all. 

Malcolm Lloyd, G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner