Order of the Allied Masonic Degrees – Grand Ranks 2020

Dear Brethren

The Order of the Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales and Districts and Councils Overseas, District of the Southern Counties, have recently announced Grand Ranks for 2020. The Brethren receiving first appointments and promotions are tremendous supporters of the Progressive Orders.

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Message from the Provincial Almoner

To All Brethren within the Province,

What a hot week this has been, too hot for many of us, making sleeping difficult. Now the thunderstorms and rain have eased things for us. Tragically though the floods brought devastation to some parts of the country, let us remember those who lost their lives in the train crash in Scotland and send our best wishes to those who were injured. In spite of all that I trust that you are all safe and well.

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Message from the Provincial Almoner

To All Brethren within the Province,

I must start my letter this week by offering our condolences to all of the families who have lost loved ones in the terrible explosion that took place in Beirut, Lebanon, last Tuesday. Our thoughts and prayers must be for those who were injured in this disaster. One thing which was emphasised in the news bulletins was the dedication and resourcefulness of the hospital staff in all hospitals involved, some of which had been damaged in the tremendous blast. All the emergency services were stretched to the limits, having to contend with Covid 19 at the same time.

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Message from the Provincial Almoner

Brethren All,

Welcome to the latest letter from Andover. Perhaps like me you have received the directives and procedures to be adopted by the individual Masonic Centres. I admire the work and thought that has been put in to compiling these documents, not an easy task and in some cases raises queries but I am sure we will all benefit from the exercises carried out. Unfortunately, I feel, that it will still be a few months before any meetings take place and they certainly will not be the same without the festive board.

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Message from the Provincial Almoner

My Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Here I am again, sitting here on a Saturday morning thinking of what I am going to put in the letter today. At the moment it is raining, my garden certainly needs it, but what good weather we have had during the week. It has been too hot for some and we have found it cooler indoors than out, eases the thought of lockdown a little.

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