Message from the Provincial Almoner

Brethren All,

Welcome to the latest letter from Andover. Perhaps like me you have received the directives and procedures to be adopted by the individual Masonic Centres. I admire the work and thought that has been put in to compiling these documents, not an easy task and in some cases raises queries but I am sure we will all benefit from the exercises carried out. Unfortunately, I feel, that it will still be a few months before any meetings take place and they certainly will not be the same without the festive board.

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Message from the Provincial Almoner

My Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Here I am again, sitting here on a Saturday morning thinking of what I am going to put in the letter today. At the moment it is raining, my garden certainly needs it, but what good weather we have had during the week. It has been too hot for some and we have found it cooler indoors than out, eases the thought of lockdown a little.

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Message from the Provincial Almoner

My Dear Friends and Colleagues,

As it is Father’s Day tomorrow I thought I might start a little differently this week. I do not know how some of you reacted when one of your children were born, but way back in 1965, when my son was born, I looked at him and thought, “ I am now responsible for making you fit for this world.” It has been a pleasure to see him grow and mature.

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