Provincial Almoners’ letter from Andover

I do not know about you but the weeks seem to be flying by without noticing the time passing. My back lawn, due to all of the rain, has picked up and the pinkness has almost disappeared but the front lawn still looks sorry for itself, this is in spite of scattering three lots of new seed. I have one majestic sunflower growing along with all of the wonderful, colourful plants that Pat has planted. Two grandson will be here soon to finish off the work that they started last week. Better get food ready for them, they are doing a very good job. We still have the birds to keep us company, I have referred to this as bird watching but one of you called it ornithology, but I cannot spell that, so I will continue to talk about bird watching. We thought we had a disaster the other day, there was the sound of something hitting the glass door and when Pat looked out a small bird was laid out having flown into the glass. Pat tended to it, it must have been winded as after a few minutes it was able to fly off again.

Your children and or grandchildren will be returning to school in the week, with some trepidation, I am sure, but many will be glad to see their friends and try and get back to some form of normality. Those of you who are teachers, I wish you all the best and trust that measures put into place will become familiar to all quickly, without too much distraction.

Jimmy Anderson has done it, collected 600 Test wickets, what an achievement, many congratulations to him. The weather though came along and put pay to the enjoyment of the game. I see that football starts up again today, with restricted public attendance. It is a start and I hope that it all goes well.

Grand Honours are out for the Order of the Secret Monitor this week and many congratulations to all who have been Appointed or Promoted, well done. Please continue to keep in touch with one another, it is not easy as these restrictions continue. We cannot become complacent or feel that we have had enough, now is the time to try and put in that extra effort. I can assure you that the telephone calls made, even if it is to just say “Hello,” are much appreciated, especially by those brethren who live alone. I enjoy it when one of you calls me and we can share a few minutes together, it is very encouraging. See you next week.

God Bless you all,

Malcolm Lloyd, G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner