2020 Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Assembly

All Royal Ark Mariners were cordially invited to attend in support of their brethren receiving honours. It was a fantastic turnout with 150 in the Lodge Room, and 140 for the lunch afterwards. The Provincial Grand Master thanked the Worshipful Commander of the Lodge of Installed Commanders, W.Bro. Dennis Weeks, RAMGR, the Centre and Staff for making it another wonderful occasion. He announced the new Provincial Wardens for 2020/2021 who are W.Bro. Patrick Burridge, ProvRAMGR, as Senior Warden, and W.Bro. Richard Cox, PC, as Junior Warden. He added that he was sad to see V.W.Bro. W. Peter Lewis, RAMGR standing down as Assistant Provincial Grand Master in April. V.W. Bro Peter was a great asset to the Province and will continue to be so.
The Provincial Grand Master said he looked forward to seeing all the Brethren here today around the Provincial circuit in due course. Finally he thanked the Official guests form other Provinces, and other Orders, and all the Brethren here today for supporting this fantastic occasion.
Getting the Lodge ready for the Annual Assembly.
The PGM and his escorting party.
A Tyler’s view.