Message from the Provincial Almoner

My son and his family, like many others, having decided to take a holiday in France, are now dashing back over night to try and return before being subjected to a 14 day isolation period. It must have been chaos approaching the Channel Tunnel and the ferry ports in France. I hope that they all make it in time.

Many of you are aware that the present Provincial Grand Wardens entertain us each Monday evening for the 9 o‚Äôclock toast, on Facebook.  It is not easy to put these events on and we know that entertainment comes at a cost. Last Monday myself, and about 10 other brethren, watched and listened to them perform. During this time they announced that if we, collectively, can pledge ¬£1,000 they will perform in ‚Äúdrag.‚Äù The mind boggles as to what they might attempt, it could be Hinge and Bracket, who is to know. The only way we can find out is to put our hands in our pockets and raise this money, which of course in the end will go to charity. Richard, Provincial Junior Warden stated that the monies can be donated via BACs using the same account as for the ‚Äúswindle‚Äù but using the suffix ‚Äúdrag‚Äù instead of ‚Äúswindle.‚Äù Brethren this will be a one off event so please support it if you are willing and able.

Very cautiously, more restrictions are being lifted and we will be able to go ice skating and ten pin bowling soon. It is good to hear that we can, perhaps, feel a little more freedom but I advocate a steady approach. Pat and I will continue to enjoy ten pin bowling on our Wii, it gets quite competitive at times but we still speak to one another afterwards. Some Lodges are holding Zoom meetings, either formally or informally, the ones that I have taken part in have been friendly, constructive and beneficial. Perhaps you have felt the same. I am aware that not all brethren can partake of this facility.  Please keep up the importance of open communication between brethren. Those you have not heard from lately might appreciate a telephone call, Peter Thorne phoned me yesterday, it was good to catch up with him. As normal, the test cricket keeps being interrupted by rain but England are entertaining us well. Catch up again soon. 

God Bless you all

Malcolm Lloyd, G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner