Message from the Provincial Almoner

On Monday next the Provincial Wardens will be, as usual, on Facebook, this week to carry out the Warden’s “swindle,” they do have a guest speaker to propose the Toast. Patrick and Richard work hard at giving some entertainment each week but I feel they do not get the support that they could. If possible please tune in and join them this Monday. I know that it is not always convenient to be there and some of you watch the recording.

On the gardening front, I am very pleased for Pat. She planted runner beans early in the year and they flourished well and became quite healthy. They were duly planted out but the frost came and caught some of them, leaving them looking very sorry for themselves. However, with tender loving care, wrapping them in fleece and newspaper, a survival was possible. We are now enjoying some nice, fresh runner beans. The blackberries continue to fruit well and some have become jam while others have been frozen down. Yesterday we acquired a few pounds of apples which will be used to make apple and blackberry jam while the remainder will be processed and frozen down ready for crumbles and tarts. All this when I am trying to lose weight.

Today we and some of our family had been booked in to attend the Battle of the Proms Concert at Highclere Castle. This has been cancelled, understandably, and we are now booked in for next August. Not to be out done, our youngest daughter invited us to join her in her garden for high tea and to enjoy replays, on Youtube, of previous concerts. We had a good time, not too much flag waving though, we will save that until next year. On walking around her garden we found two very large branches on the floor which had broken off of an apple tree. This is how we have a goodly amount of apples.

Please, please, keep in touch with one another. During the week I took the opportunity of phoning a few Brethren; it was beneficial. It is good to hear a voice and catch up. Not all of the news was good but hopefully it might have given some moral support. One brother was up a tree carrying out some pruning and when I said that I would let him go to get on with the job he informed me that his daughter was doing a good job without him.

Recently I had the opportunity to speak with some of our brothers. It is apparent that there are mixed feelings about our future, which I can see all points made. Can I assure you that every effort is being made, in all Orders, to ensure that we do not lose the dignity and traditions of our wonderful organisation. 

God Bless you all.

Malcolm Lloyd, Provincial Grand Almoner, GSD