Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

Dear Brethren All, 

Greetings on this cloudy Saturday morning, I trust that you are as well as can be expected. For those of you not too good in health, I wish you well and hope that you will be on the road to recovery.

Brethren, whilst we are in this quieter period of the masonic year, let us not forget those lines of communication that are so important. Keep in touch with one another, a phone call, as I have said before, can be very important, you may be the only person that a brother has spoken to for a while. There are brethren who are finding the changes in life, some bought on by the pandemic, others in the changes in attitudes of standards in life, difficult at times and need our support and friendship. Yes, please keep in touch with one another. If you need a chat or moan about something, I am only too happy to hear from you.

The garden continues to be very colourful, we have five or six magnificent yucca stems, some over 10 feet tall, displaying white flowers. The gladioli are now coming into bloom and showing off their different colours. These plants remind me of my late father who gave us some gladioli bulbs when he was alive. We are enjoying the produce of Pat’s labour, the yellow courgettes have and are, plentiful and tasty. Broad beans have been frozen down and potatoes are being dug. Yesterday Pat picked some runner beans so we re doing fairly well. Jam making has continued with blackberry and mixed fruit products being presented. With the rain we have had recently the lawns are looking in fine fettle but need cutting regularly.

My friends, have a nice weekend and enjoy your families during these school holidays. Please, please, keep in touch with one another, we all need to feel the benefit of Brotherly love.

Best wishes to you all, I am thinking of you.

Malcolm Lloyd, P.G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner