Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

Dear Brethren, 

Hello to you all,

Well we are faced with more restrictions, which are brought in for the protection of us all. Let us hope that we do not have to go back to a full lockdown. I know that I have said it before but it means that we have to be very cautious and keep safe as much as we can. There will be light at the end of the tunnel but I notice there is a kink in the tunnel.

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Provincial Almoners Letter

Dear Brethren, hello once again,

I hope that I find you well. Yesterday I received a phone call from our good friend and brother, Stan Rickeard, he tells me he celebrated his 95th birthday on Monday, after the small party, he was quite tired. He sends his and his wife Gwen‚Äôs best wishes to all. They are both well. Stan has obtained a small buggy to help with his mobility.

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Provincial Almoners’ letter from Andover

Dear Brethren,

It is with sadness that I start my letter this week, unfortunately Sue Jennings, wife of W. Bro. Don Jennings, passed away this week. On 2nd September a good friend and well-respected Brother, W. Bro Roy W. Ford suffered an accident from which he was subsequently called to the Grand Lodge Above. He will be missed. Please have Don and Mrs. Ford in your thoughts and prayers.

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Provincial Almoners’ letter from Andover

To All Brethren within the Province,

Once again I greet you all well and hope that you are as safe as possible. Many congratulations to out PGM for the very efficient and friendly Virtual Provincial Meeting on 26th August. I, for personal reasons, could not take part, but I did watch the recording on Facebook. It was a pleasure to hear from the Assistant Grand Master, Rt. W. Bro. Stephen Davison, he was so encouraging. No, it was not like Portsmouth Guildhall, where we usually share a wonderful day, but it still had dignity and decorum. Let us hope that next April will be better and we can actually meet up together again.

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Message from the Provincial Almoner

To All Brethren within the Province,

Being typically British I will again start with the weather. What a difference this week has been, now we might be saying, “When is it going to stop raining?” The gardens are looking better for the welcome rain and life has come back to most of my lawns. The blackberries and raspberries are now coming towards the end but we have enjoyed a nice crop of both.

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