Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

Please bear with me, as I have had a very mixed week this week, as I relate some of my experiences. On Tuesday a niece phoned me to say that her father, my youngest brother, had passed away the day before. Unfortunately my brother and I have lost contact with one another for some time. He is though, still a sibling, but it means of the five siblings in the family I am now the only one left standing. That’s life I suppose.

My grandson, Daniel, telephoned me to ask if I had heard the news regarding the attendances at weddings. I had to say, ‚ÄúNo.‚Äù He was due to get married on the 10th October, which would have meant that the numbers attending the wedding would be reduced. I expressed my sadness and said to leave Pat and I off of the list. His reply was that, this would not be the case, they were working on getting married on 26th September, today, He, his Future wife and families have pulled out all the stops and there is a wedding taking place today. There is much excitement in the family, tinged with some sadness, as not all of the close relatives can be invited. The important thing is though they are getting married.

On Wednesday, Wyndham RAM Lodge, No. 37, held an actual meeting in Andover Masonic Centre. Only six in attendance, with me as Commander. I was Elected to continue in the chair and was Proclaimed. We Appointed the Officers and I was able to Invest five of them but at a distance. I think it was the shortest masonic Meeting that I have attended. It was strange but the decorum was maintained under the guidance of our APGM, W. Bro Tony Green as DC. W. Bro Ian Vincent was Scribe. After the meeting we went our separate ways. I feel honoured to be the Commander.

It would appear that on the same evening our PGM, Rt. W. Bro George Deacon, visited Gosport Lodge of Mark Masons and presented a 40 year Certificate to Bro, Dick Francis. Apparently 10 members then dined together, only six attended the meeting. Congratulations to Bro. Dick Francis.

It is good to report that some actual activity is taking place but somewhat restricted. It is difficult I am sure to decide who will make up the six in attendance but well done to those who have been able to arrange these meetings. If your Lodge is able to meet in a similar manner I am sure that many would like to share the experience with you.

I express my condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of the police officer who was shot and killed at Croydon Police Station early yesterday morning.  It touched me as I served as a Custody Sergeant and can imagine the horror, surprise and unbelief that some of the officers present must be feeling.

God Bless you all,

Malcolm Lloyd, G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner