Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

Dear Brethren All, 

Once again we experienced a snowfall in some parts of our Province this week. This made me ponder about this natural occurrence. Snow is a solid precipitation in the form of small white or translucent ice crystals of various shapes originating in the atmosphere as frozen particles of water vapour. A snow flake is an aggregation of ice crystals which fall as snow. We are told that each snow flake has its’ own identity and that no two snowflakes are of the same configuration. It takes millions of flakes to make up a substantial depth so the mind boggles at the wonder nature once again.

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Mark Benevolent Fund Annual Review

The new Mark Benevolent Fund Annual Review 2020 has now gone live on the MMH website. You can view and download it here:

It gives a clear overview of the activities of the MBF in 2020 and it is the first time that all of the information is included in one document.

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Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

Dear Brethren All,  

Sadly, on Tuesday, Capt. Sir Tom Moore passed away from this world. Over the last year he has inspired many people to achieve goals that they themselves would never have thought possible. He appeared to be always cheerful and positive, quoting, “Tomorrow will be a good day.” Our thoughts must be with his family and the legacy that he has left behind.

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Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

Dear Brethren All, 

It was good to share last Saturday morning with so many of you during the Virtual Business meeting of the Provincial Annual Assembly of Royal Ark Mariners. Our Provincial Grand Master was on good form together with the Deputy Grand Master. Thank you to those who were able to be with us, this was all thanks to the Provincial Grand Senior Warden who looked after the technicalities for the day; thank you Patrick.

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Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

Dear Brethren All, 

I start off today with the sad news that W. Bro. Larry Harding was called to the Grand Lodge above yesterday afternoon. Larry was a well-respected member of many Orders throughout the Province and had held important and influential offices in many. From personal experience I was grateful for his guidance and advice at times.

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