Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

Due to Pat‚Äôs hard work we have hanging baskets in the rear garden with purple crocuses blooming, there are many daffodils opening in splendour and other spring flowers enlightening the view. Some of the soft fruits are showing signs of breaking out in leaf again, what a good time it is in the garden. 

On Tuesday I had the honour and privilege to ‚Äúaccompany‚Äù the Provincial Senior Warden on an Official Visit to the Aldershot Military Mark lodge Virtual Business meeting. It was a pleasure to once again make some contact with brethren and share their company. There a number of such Visits arranged throughout the Province, which is encouraging. 

Some relaxation of the restrictions have been announced, tempered with a word of caution and diligence. Having received the vaccine, one has to remember that it does not release one from our obligations to keep safe. It is certainly a move in the right direction, let us hope that over the next few weeks the authorities plans bear fruit and we can proceed as it is hoped. 

During the last year I have done most of the cooking in the Lloyd household. In conversation with some of you, so have you got the pots and pans and indulged yourselves in the kitchen. I have always had a passion for cooking and am pleased with my efforts. Surprising what soups we might concoct, I made a parsnip, potato and apple soup recently and it was delicious, even though I say it myself. I find this therapeutic and satisfying. I must admit though I have rather over indulged at times, but enjoyed myself. Look after yourselves, keep safe and in touch with one another. 

Malcolm Lloyd, G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner