Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

It is with sadness that I record the passing to the Grand Lodge Above of W. Bro. Graham Cooper, PAGDC and a member of the Mark Degree for some 27years. Our thoughts and prayers are with Mrs. Sheila Cooper and her family. An entry has been posted on the In Memoriam page of the Provincial web site but if you wish to add to it please do. I hear that W. Bro. Allan Gregory is in hospital, any contact to him or his family through W. Bro. Charlie Kemp please. There are, unfortunately many other brethren suffering with their health, please keep them in your thoughts and prayers during these difficult times. It is heart breaking, on both sides, that those in hospital cannot be visited by their loved ones, therefore do what you can for those in this position.

Some more entries on the Church Notice Boards, ‚ÄúThis evening at 7.0 p.m. there will be hymn singing in the park across from the church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin.‚Äù ‚ÄúAt the evening service tonight the sermon topic will be, ‚ÄúWhat is Hell?‚Äù Come early and listen to our choir practice.‚Äù    ‚ÄúDon‚Äôt let worry kill you off- let the Church help.‚Äù 

Hopefully matters are progressing in relation to the pandemic and the easing of restrictions should start soon. Meetings, if taking place, I am sure, will be restricted in numbers, but at least it will be a start. The Virtual Business Meeting Official Visits continue to be very beneficial and well supported. It is a good way for us to keep in touch. Please keep those lines of communication open and use that telephone now and again. I cannot be in touch with all of those suffering but I am grateful that our Lodge Almoners are doing a good job and I thank them for their dedication and willingness.

Malcolm Lloyd, G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner