Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

Dear Brethren All, 

My Dear Friends I hope that you are all as well as can be expected and are keeping warm in the frosty conditions. Many congratulations to those brethren who have received Provincial Appointments and Promotions and who will be Invested on 15th April at Portsmouth Guildhall. All are well deserved. Hopefully I will be able to meet up with some of you at the Ins and Outs Sunday luncheon. I encourage as many brethren as possible to support those from your lodge who will be honoured. If you have never been able to attend the Provincial Annual Meeting, then I ask that you make every effort to be there it is a very special occasion.

Having received information that the MBF had made a considerable donation to the Turkey and Syrian earthquake appeal, through the shoe box charity, I passed this on to you all, which I hope that you have seen. It does show that the MBF are proactive but it also emphasises that we continue to contribute to this fund in whatever manner that we can. I am aware that all are having to watch expenses these days but if you are able, I ask that you consider regular giving. The Lodge Charity Stewards will be only too happy to speak to you on this matter.

Pat has been able to get out in the garden a couple of days this week. She has been tidying up some of the shrubs and bushes and lightly dig over some of the ground between the flower plants. We have some snowdrops out and the daffodils continue to push upwards. I do not think that it will be long before we see small green shoots on some plants or trees. Spring cleaning has been taking place in the home and I now have a decent load of articles to take the the waste disposal facility. 

There is still some concern with brethren regarding the covid situation, which is still with us. Please keep in touch with one another, especially those whom we have not seen at meetings recently. Numbers seem to fluctuate, some Lodges are seeing good numbers whilst others are still struggling to see a decent attendance. No one should feel obliged to attend if they are uncomfortable in being in crowds. It is imperative though that we back up what we feel, that the Mark Degree is a friendly degree, in keeping the lines of communication open with all brethren and their families.

Best wishes to you all and I hope to see as many of you as I can over the next few weeks. 

Malcolm Lloyd, P.G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner