Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

Dear Brethren All, 

Here we are with the official first day of Spring with us. Nature is responding well to this and the garden is once again continuing to look very colourful, with yellow and white daffodils in  all their splendour. The planting and sowing has started, potatoes planted, carrot seed in the soil and so I will await with interest the progression being made.

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Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

Dear Brethren All, 

I greet you all well and trust that you are safe and as well as can be expected. It is encouraging that we hear the rate of infections is coming down and hopefully we will be benefitting from the route map for slowly coming out of the lockdown. Many of us are looking forward to be able to meet up with our families at last. It will still be a few months, I am sure, before we can contemplate meeting in our Lodges and feel comfortable and confident that we are safe. As has been said a few times, we must be cautious and diligent.

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Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

Dear Brethren All, 

Last evening cheered my wife up because of the sunny day that it had been the evening showed that we are getting into spring. In the early hours of Friday morning I looked out of the window and saw a beautiful, almost full moon, and again about 6.30p.m. Friday, in a cloudless sky it was shining bright again. I have heard this referred to as the Snow Moon, it was a wonderful sight.

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