Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

 The pandemic has emphasised to all how important our families are to us, as if we did not know already. In common with many of you the children and grandchildren have helped with the shopping and other errand. I know that some of you have had your children take it in turns to look after you, by moving in with you, what a god send and life saver this has been. Although we do not look for it, I suppose it is the reward of being able to be a parent. On the other hand I am also conscious that some do not have the benefit of a family and have been looked after by friends and neighbours. It has, and still is, a testing time but we appear to be coming out of it in a few months. The virus will still be there but with good will we should be able to take the necessary precautions.

It is a year ago that I sent out my first letter, I believe that this is number 50. Where has that time gone!!! The weather forecast for the remainder of the weekend is not too pleasing but the schools are now on holiday so I hope that you will be able to enjoy the company of your children, grandchildren and in some cases, great grandchildren, in your gardens or some other suitable place. We still await that all important message from MMH as to the way forward, we will have to remain very cautious and diligent. I do not know what the Government advice will be a restriction on numbers may be placed, who knows at this stage. It is no good trying to guess let us wait and see.

We have been blessed with some sunshine over the last few days, this has enabled gardening to continue. We have been painting some of the fencing surrounding parts of the garden, it is looking good but the body is aching in some places due to the extra exercise, which I certainly need. The beauty of the flowers is outstanding, there is an increased abundance of colour all around. The purple sprouting broccoli is coming in now and the broad beans are flowering. Pat is pleased also that the carrot seed is germinating and little green shoots are appearing. It is fortunate that many of us have the garden to wander around and tend to, it is a never ending job I appreciate to keep the garden up together, but there are many benefits.

Thankfully the zoom meetings continue to take place, perhaps these might be with us for some time yet, who is to know. Please put in your diaries the 17th April, 2021, when the Provincial Mark Meeting will be taking place via Zoom or Facebook. I am positive that the official details will be circulated to all very soon. Please, if you are able, join in and support the P.G.M., who works very hard for us all. There are other meetings being promulgated, of which again, details will be circulated as and when finalised.

Have a wonderful week, remember though, that we still have brethren and their families who are not fairing so well at this time, keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Keep those lines of communication well and truly open. The telephone is a wonderful invention pick it up now and again and have a chat with other brethren or their families known to you. Keep safe and well, bye for now.

Malcolm Lloyd, G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner