Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

With the restrictions having been eased a little, Pat and I have enjoyed meeting up with some of our family, sitting in the garden. It did get quite chilly some of the time but what a difference it has made just to see them and enjoy their company. I was able to kick a football around the lawn with the two great grandchildren, do not ask me though to turn out for your team just yet, the legs and coordination are not what they used to be. Looking forward to being able to get my hair cut on Monday, our hairdressing daughter tells me that she has a full book from Monday for three weeks at least, and many hours to catch up on. This pandemic though, has made her think about her priorities as to her work and fitting in with the family, this will be in common with many others in the same boat. I wish them all well.

On Friday the lawns were scarified, fertilised and seeded, they are now looking well but now need some rain to enhance what has been done.  Everything is coming along well in the garden and we even have some blackbird chicks wandering around, what a joy it is to see them.

This is the last of the Church Notice Board entries; ‚ÄúFor those of you who have children and don‚Äôt know it, we have a nursery downstairs.‚Äù  ‚ÄúThe Ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.‚Äù  ‚ÄúLow Self-Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7.00 p.m. Please use the back door.‚Äù  The Associate Minister unveiled the church‚Äôs new tithing slogan last Sunday, ‚ÄúI Upped My Pledge-Up Yours.‚Äù

On Monday the “non-essential shops” will be opening their doors again, why are they non-essential? I feel for those in these services and organisation, some have lost their business, jobs or lively hoods through no fault of their own. These restrictions have been necessary to keep us all safe, let us hope that things work out for the best.

Hopefully we might hear from MMH as to what might be viable and reasonable with regard to the re-opening of our meetings, as to numbers attending and possible dining arrangements, early next week. My anticipation is that we will still have to be very cautious and careful. Many I know, are not considering attending any meetings this side of September at least. Let us all just wait and see, then we can make considered decisions. 

I hope to “see” many of you at the Mark Provincial Virtual Business Meeting next Saturday, until then, keep safe, look after yourselves and loved ones. Keep in touch with one another.

Best wishes to you all.

Malcolm Lloyd, G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner