Romanian Support for Ukrainian Refugees
The Provincial Grand Master has received a copy of an email from the Grand Master of Romania detailing the scope of activities being carried out by the Romanian Inspectorate for Ukrainian refugees.
The Provincial Grand Master has received a copy of an email from the Grand Master of Romania detailing the scope of activities being carried out by the Romanian Inspectorate for Ukrainian refugees.
Dear Brethren All,
I do apologise that I am writing this on a Sunday instead of Saturday but yesterday was somewhat busy with the Annual Meeting of another Order where I was asked to assist. The meeting was held at Botley and what a pleasant surprise it was to be able to travel on the M27 at 60 M.P.H. and no traffic cones in sight. Let us hope that this might encourage a few more brethren to attend meetings.
Dear Brethren All,
What a difference we have this weekend in the weather. I have woken up to a frosty lawn, which was fertilised yesterday, ready for the forthcoming seasons. We have now started on preparing the ground in preparation for the spring when seeds and plants will be planted. The seed potatoes are sitting there awaiting their placement in trays for chitting. The fence is about to be shored up to look a bit more presentable then we will work on that in a few weeks. The birds will be starting to make their nests and Pat feeds them well during these harsher times.
Dear Brethren All,
What a stormy day it was on Friday. Much damage has been caused around the Province I am sure, including one of my side fences in the back garden. Completely demolished, 9 panels and fence posts to be replaced. We are safe because we did not venture out. I trust that none of you came to any harm and that your houses are safe.
Dear Brethren All,
Here we are on a very memorable and historic weekend, Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, celebrates 70 years since her Accession to the Throne. I am sure that you will join with me in offering her many congratulations and a big THANK YOU, for the manner in which she has carried out Her duty and her dedication to this Country and the Commonwealth.
Congratulations to those brethren honoured with Provincial Appointments - find the full list here.
W.Bro. Ron Bentley and W.Bro. Mike Foster (both are PPSGWs) holding their 50 year Long Service Certificates in the Craft. They were presented to them by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master V.W.Bro. David Perkis on the occasion of the Banner Dedication at the Portsmouth & District Masters Lodge No.5990 on Friday 28th January 2022.
Dear Brethren All,
Yes, it is me again, I miss writing to you so I will attempt to get back to a weekly communication. The Regulations are beginning to ease and there will not be too stringent rules regarding visiting those who are in Care Home, which must be a relief to some brethren and their families. I am sure that the wearing of face masks will be an individual choice and I know many of you find them uncomfortable.
Dear Brethren All,
Last Saturday it was encouraging to see so many of you at the Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Annual Assembly at Botley where a number of our Brethren were honoured with Provincial RAM Grand Rank. Hearty congratulations to all those so honoured. It was an enjoyable occasion with a very friendly atmosphere over the whole proceedings.
The Provincial visit to Oakley Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No. 886, in Basingstoke, on Thursday 3 February 2022 promises to be be a very interesting and exciting evening. The Provincial Grand Master and his team will be performing a live "Double Ceremony of Elevation".
This is a "first" for the Mark Province following the introduction of the 2026 Festival Draw. Lodges had the opportunity of winning an evening with the Provincial Team with them performing an Elevation ceremony or an Advancement ceremony. It promises to be a very enjoyable evening so please contact the Lodge and book yourselves in!