Provincial Almoners Letter from Andover

Dear Brethren All, 

My dear friends, it has been a busy weekend so I am here, early Monday morning catching up by writing to you all. I trust that you are all as well as can be expected but I do know that some of you are suffering. To all who are in need, I wish you a speedy recovery from your injuries or medical procedures.

On Saturday and Sunday, here in the North West of the Province woke up to a frost on both days and then on Sunday we had drizzling rain which made it feel a miserable day with regards going out. I did hear during the weather forecast yesterday, that this cold spell is to be with us for a while yet. The lawns received a moss killer treatment during the week so we do have some black patches in places amongst the grass, not too many though. Pat has been busy with the pruning still and cutting back the roses. The ground is too wet to dig through ready for the spring but I will attempt to do this as soon as possible. Thankfully though, we do have some colour still in the garden and some pansies have been planted out to give additional colour.

I am sure that you will join me on congratulating W. Bros. Donald Jennings, Matthew Knight , Michael Lewis and Mervyn Harkness on their forthcoming Promotion to Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank. All well deserved. It would be appreciated if as many as possible could make the trip to London on 11th December, to support them and the P.G.M. when they are due to be Invested. From experience, I can assure you that this is a special day for all so honoured, and all support is appreciated. I also congratulate all those Brethren who are to be Promoted to Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank in January, well done to all.

Enjoy your Christmas preparations and shopping, but I am mindful of those of you who have lost loved ones during the year and this time is testing and maybe a little empty

Please keep those lines of communication open and contact those that we have not seen for a while. It is disappointing when I hear that people feel that they are no longer contacted and have the feeling, “out of sight out of mind.” We are a friendly Degree and should perhaps, practise what we preach, perhaps remembering, Brotherly love and relief.” If you need me you know where I am.

Best wishes to you all, keep safe and warm.

Malcolm Lloyd, P.G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner