Message from the Provincial Almoner

Have had to venture out a bit more this week, car needed two new tyres then a MOT. Thankfully that went well, and we are now safely back on the road. I do not know about you but just going out, occasionally, seems a somewhat strange feeling. As Pat has said though, ‚ÄúIt is nice to begin to feel normal again.‚Äù Please do not get me wrong we are not dashing here there and everywhere just going to see some of the family in a restricted way. I think that you would all agree it is hard emotionally not to fulfil the natural urge to give them all a big hug, still waiting for that day to arrive. 

Next week will see some more relaxing of the restrictions, hairdressers will be able to get their scissor fingers going once more, making many feel human again. I have a picture, taken recently, of me with a ponytail hair style, I might send it out for a smile or two. Even though there is some easing, caution must prevail, and we must still be vigilant and try to protect ourselves and others. It will be a while before normality takes over. Will it return to what we might consider normal or, as I feel, life will be quite different for many for some time yet.

As a result of my letters one brother has asked if we have a bird bath in the garden. Yes, we do, not a big one but sufficient for us to be able to watch the birds, especially the starlings, gather together in some numbers and enjoy taking a drink or getting into the water to clean themselves. It does annoy Pat though when the pigeons get there and take over. Many people seem to have become more aware and interested in the natural world that is around us. I have been amazed watching some television programmes which include articles about youngsters taking a real interest, both in the wildlife and the horticultural world. They are learning, because they want to, how seeds grow and develop and mature into beautiful flowers or food to eat. 

As time goes on please remain aware of those Brethren who need to be contacted as they are alone or suffering ill health. As an Almoner I have learned that some wish to be left alone at certain times so that they can come to terms as to what is happening to them or their families. This I respect but can assure them that they are still in our thoughts. Please keep up the communication with one another, it is very important to all.

Hope to see many of you on Monday evening for the 9 o’clock toast. Look after yourselves and one another.

Keep safe and well.

Kindest regards,

Malcolm Lloyd, Prov. Almoner.