Visit by The Provincial Grand Master to Meridies Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 1798

The Provincial Grand Master was welcomed by the Worshipful Master W.Bro. Barry Pearn. The Provincial Grand Master responded by saying that he was delighted to be here this morning and he was very pleased to see R.W.Bro. Angus Hannigan, P.G.J.W., P.G.Sec., who was a past member of the Province and was a guest of the Master Elect Bro. Peter Gilham. Also, it was very nice to see V.W.Bro. Terry Bruty, P.G.J.O. who celebrated 60 years in Mark and RAM Masonry two weeks ago in Winchester Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No.969 and received a field promotion from the Deputy Grand Master, R.W.Bro. John Prizeman.

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The Worshipful Master W.Bro. Barry Pearn installed W.Bro. Peter Gilham in an excellent ceremony. The Address to the Master was given by R.W.Bro. Angus Hannigan, P.G.J.W., P.G.Sec., the Address to the Wardens by W.Bro. Chris Brinsden, P.Prov.G.S.O., the Address to the Overseers by W.Bro. Richard Cox, Prov.G.S.W., and the Address to the Brethren by V.W.Bro. Brian Ridler, P.G.J.O., Dep.P.G.M. The Provincial Grand Master welcomed the new Master to the Chair and added that no doubt R.W.Bro. Angus Hannigan, P.G.J.W., P.G.Sec., will be a regular visitor.

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The Provincial Grand Master presented to the Worshipful Master the Lodges award from the Mark Benevolent Fund of a Grand Patron Gold Award, commenting that this is a very generous Lodge and a very proud moment for the PGM. Following the toast to the Provincial Grand Master at the Festive Board the Worshipful Master presented a cheque for £1,000 from Meridies Lodge to the Mark Benevolent Fund and 2026 Festival. The Provincial Grand Master thanked the Brethren for this fantastic sum and also their regular giving to the festival. It was a delight to come along with such a large Provincial team and he looks forward to seeing them throughout the year.

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