Provincial Almoners Weekly Letter

We watched the ceremony at the Cenotaph, in which I, and I suspect some of you, have taken part in. The crowds were considerably down but there was still the dignity and pride present. Our church held a very brief service at the flag staff in the church yard. I was pleasantly surprised as to how many people attended, all social distancing, with their own personal thoughts. We saw the Queen lay a wreath on the tomb of the unknown-warrior in Westminster Abbey, which I found very moving. On 11th November the Prince of Wales attended Westminster Abbey to mark the 100thAnniversary of this tomb coming into existence, again, those attending were small in numbers but an impressive, dignified and moving ceremony. We have many ex service personnel amongst our brethren who would normally take part in a parade of their choice. That was not to be this year but, ‚ÄúWe will remember them‚Äù 

I continue to be surprised as to the ingenious way in which people of all ages are coming forward with challenges as to how to raise money and awareness of and for different charities and causes. Two young girls come to mind, one who interested in football, challenged those who were minded, to see how many ‚Äúkeepie upies‚Äù they could do. She was amazing in her skills and an inspiration. Then there is the young girl who wanted to plant poppies in the grass verges and outside peoples‚Äô  houses to help remember. Then along came an older woman who wished to take on a walk, inspired by the incomparable Capt. Sir Tom, who has made us all sit up and think the ways that we can help others. There are many others throughout the Nation putting others first and endeavouring to help in any way that they can. Well done all. 

Pat and our youngest daughter have been busy with craft making this week, one making baubles and our daughter making Christmas Wreaths of coloured balls and holly, she has to keep herself busy as her own business is shut. Christmas is coming early this year but is helping many cope with what is going on around them.

A marvellous piece of news this week in that Her Majesty, the Queen is to celebrate her Platinum Jubilee in 2022, with a four day bank holiday week-end. What an inspiration and leader she is to us all. Some of us have experienced her Silver and Golden Jubilees, sometimes officially taking part in some way. Long may she Reign.

Malcolm Lloyd, G.S.D., Prov. Grand Almoner